1. Overview

Virgin Wines, a popular online wine retailer headquartered in Norwich, United Kingdom, has recently undergone a rebranding initiative and is continually refining various aspects of their website. Teaming up with a group of five talented designers, our objective was to enhance their online presence and elevate the user experience, contributing to their ongoing evolution and growth.


UX Research

UI Design

(Team of 6)




UI design

Test and iterate

Pitch Concept


7 weeks





The client aimed to enrich their About Us and Events website pages, as well as improve checkout process retention, all while staying true to their brand guidelines. Our mission as a team was to enhance the user experience in these specific areas.


While remaining faithful to their guidelines, we adopted an iterative design process to yield tangible outcomes, which included attention to detail, content organization, and hierarchy.

2. Research

Together as a team, we engaged in various UX research methods to broadly understand the scope of the problem. My responsibilities included conducting heuristic analysis, statistical research, competitor analysis, and familiarizing myself with the core brand guidelines.

Insights from heuristic analysis

Insights from statistical research

Insights from Competitor research

The current design lacks:

  • Clear page headings.

  • Interactive and engaging designs.

  • Hierarchy and content organization.

  • Attention to detail

Stats revealed:

  • Substantial users navigated to “help” while on the About Us page, indicating users may be uncertain about their objectives.

  • 85% of individuals dropped out at the second step of checkout process.

  • The need to add more interactive features.

I found:

  • Design consistency across pages.

  • Subtle motion animations (good attention to detail).

  • Great content layout.

2. Ideation

In response to our research findings, we initiated the process of generating solutions, distributing tasks among the team. My primary focus was on designing the mobile versions of the About Us, Events, and Checkout pages. Consequently, I started putting together a moodboard for inspiration and began sketching ideas.

Considering a wine pouring animation, rethinking content organization, and incorporating bold words reflecting company values, as proposed by a team member.

Some of my design ideas in detail

Experimenting with hierarchy and content organization, prioritizing "Events Near Me" at the top of the events page for easy accessibility.

Revamping the "What to Expect" section on the events page from its initial static format, incorporating a more dynamic flow design and interactive tap feature for users to explore additional details.

3. UI design

While staying true to the brand guidelines, I developed wireframes as the foundation for my designs, providing a framework for the final product.



Final outcomes

About us page


Events page





A quick little fun interactive design where users are able to tap each informative circle to reveal more information!

The Idea behind this design was to reduce the amount of text on the screen making it minimal and simplistic.



Interaction design


4. Test and iterate

As I wasn't directly involved in the testing phase, my contribution to this part of the project was minimal. However, after the testing was conducted, we documented areas for improvement.

5. Pitching our design suggestions

Finally, the day arrived to present our ideas to the CEO and the Virgin Wines team. Although I was incredibly nervous stepping into the room, I conveyed my ideas and had a enjoyable experience.